I did Pysch %26amp; Further a couple of years ago, and I found the flash cards you can buy really helpful. I can't remember what brand they were, but wherever you get your school text books from, that's where they were from. Study guides are also good.
English is too hard to give advice on, your teacher is the best help for this subject because in english there is no right or wrong answer.
Also with math %26amp; psych, use the unit guides (or whatever they're called) that you can download from the internet, or that your teacher has provided you with already. they have the dot points on what each outcome consists of, and what you can be tested on.
Download the past exams, and test yourself at home to see how you go.
Best of luckDoes anyone have tips/advice for the following VCE subjects: PE, Psychology, Drama, English and math furter?
I believe you were looking for the possessive ';their'; rather than ';there'; when you said ';...people have found useful in %26lt;there%26gt; studies...';
Check out wikipedia.com for help with study questions. Otherwise google for forums. The bet advise, however, would be to invest in good text books. I cannot advise on a particular book because the question is too vague.
Good luck.
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