I am looking for any tips/advice to help me save money around the house. Any ideas will help. Any ideas to reuse everyday items that may otherwise be thrown away?? Any ideas to save money on groceries, utilities, car repair?? Thank you, your help is gretly appreciated!!Does anyone have any money saving tips/advice for a single working mother??
Something I would like to suggest would be maybe to go through your CD collection (if you have one) and sell the ones you don't listen to anymore or don't like anymore.
I do this, and anything I earn from selling my CDs goes into my online savings account. I use ING because they have really good interest rates.
Other than that, I can suggest that when you shop for groceries that you don't necessarily need to buy name brand items.Does anyone have any money saving tips/advice for a single working mother??
You are going to have to start investing on some scale. For this You have to save up a $1000 and open up a fund. A Financial Advisor is God. And one thousand will give you enough to wager depending on the climate. Owning and a maintaining a vehicle is effortless so long as you upkeep and check the fluids learn to do it yourself so you can pour more in as necessary. Look at cruise vacation packages. Always talk to your kids more than necessary.
well i use to be really bad at saving. now i am getting better. i use coupons when i go shopping. i only ride my gas when i have to. and i buy off name brand items in the house. we do no eat out unless it is special reasons. car repair you cna't be cheap on that.
Yeah, give the father more parenting time and you could earn extra income working more hours p/t outside of the home. If you are employed full-time then you could apply for a second p/t job. Less daycare costs, or less food expenses for the children and less expenses in child care all the way around. If the father works many hours I am sure that he would be glad to pay for daycare that he chose to put them in if he was the custodial parent. A person would really be surprised how much money one could save when the Axe grinding stops. But if the biological father is deceased, then you would be surprised at how willing men are to subsidize a single mother in exchange for dates to a nice restaurant. Or even finding a future b/f to hook up with. The sky's the limit!
Never spend change!
Put all your change in a big jug. Preferably in a jug that has an opening of about 1 and 1/2 inches. That way you can put money in but it is a little harder to take it out.
You well be amazed at how fast you accumulate a few hundred dollars.
If your employer has direct deposit, use it. Send 10% of your salary to a separate account at a bank you don't normally use. Do not set up a debit card for this account. You want to make it a little difficult to get at.
Read The Automatic Millionaire, it well be the best $11 you ever spend.
Use coupons, shops sales, buy the store brand at the grocery store. Get rid of your land line if you also have a cell phone. You only need one. Do you really need cable TV?
Turn the thermostat down a degree or two. I have read that every degree will save you about 3% on the heating bill.
Never pay full price. If you look in the right places (Internet, local news paper ecsetera) you can find coupons for anything. I can always find a coupon for $10 off an oil change if I don't mind not always using the same store.
I also have an emergancy fund with ING Direct, (online savings account). Some of the online accounts are offering a little over 5%.
Read, read, read. Educate your self, there are a ton of persinal finance books out there. Get them in paper back or rent from the library for free. Don't listen to the people talking about investing and finance advisers. No one well look after your money like you well and personal finance advisors are a dime a dozon and need no schooling or exsperiance to call them selves advisors.
I hope this helps
Here's a list of items I wrote up on my blog. Some may help.
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