Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tattoo Advice, Tips & What to look for?

I am 15 years old and the idea of a tattoo is addicting. I want something medium to small so i can hide it in certain situations (like jobs etc). I was wondering where are good places to go and or other suggestions you might have. I want to make sure the place is sterile though so i won't contract anything.Tattoo Advice, Tips %26amp; What to look for?
But you are planning to wait until you are 18, right?

Personally the best advice I can give you is to wait until you are in your 20s to start getting tattooed. I wish I would have. Did you know the decision-making centers of your brain aren't fully developed until you are about 25 years old? I started getting tattooed when I was 18 and made some really stupid decisions about what I got. I am getting my first tattoo covered really soon, it was such a dumb idea. I thought it was brilliant when I was 18. Ugh.

Anyway, as far as what to look for, you will want to go to a shop that is clean and well lit. The staff should be friendly and willing to answer your questions. If they aren't interested in giving you the time of day don't bother with that shop. Good shops will have friendly, knowledgable counter staff. Even a shop that has a ';dark'; theme should be well-lit and clean (it is all well and good to have black walls and rubber bats hanging from the ceiling but if there are cobwebs all over the rubber bats and coffee stains on the floor you probably don't want to be there).

A tattoo shop should also have an autoclave for sterilization. Ask how often they do a spore test. If they look at you like you are speaking Chinese, leave that shop (though people working the counter might not know at first blush so it is fine if they have to ask someone else). It is typically recommended to do a spore test for every 40 hours of use so the answers may vary - every week, every two weeks, that sort of thing. The tattoo artists should use sterile needles for every client. It is often considered the best practice to leave the needles packaged until in the presence of the client (so they shouldn't be opened until the artist is getting ready to start your tattoo). Pigment should be dispensed into single use caps and then thrown away, never returned to the bottle.

It is hard to know what you are looking for if you have never been tattooed before. Don't be afraid to ask lots of questions, ask to be shown around the shop. Ask to SEE THESE THINGS YOURSELF. A good shop won't mind.

Good luck!Tattoo Advice, Tips %26amp; What to look for?
A good place to get a tattoo? Well, on your backside from your parents with a belt lashing. Second, from the artist that will be doing it and you visiting him in jail or help him get out of debt after the major fine he gets for tattooing a minor.

Wait till you are old enough then ask this question again and I would be more than happy to help.
oh yah, i know what you mean by the idea is addicting.

i'm fourteen and i've been planning my tattoo for years, ahah.

i think - as i'm assuming you're a guy - that maybe upper arm or back would be a good idea.

it's not very often you're going to have to wear sleeveless vests in future jobs, so upper-arm would be worth a shot (:
A tattoo parlour thats busy all the time is a good sign.

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