Thursday, July 29, 2010

Any advice or tips on pelvic pressure at 36wks pregnant?

For a couple days now I have had the worst pain in my pelvic area and some slight lower back pain. The lower back pain is not consistent but the pelvic pain is. The only way I can describe it is a 20lb weight laying on my pelvic bone! Will these pains go away? Are they a sign of early labor?Any advice or tips on pelvic pressure at 36wks pregnant?
It's just baby floating down there. Your pelvic ligaments will soften to make room for baby and get ready for birth. It does not mean that you will go into labor early.

You can either just deal with the pain for the next 4 - 6 weeks or look into buying a pregnancy girdle.Any advice or tips on pelvic pressure at 36wks pregnant?
It sounds like you might be experiencing:


As labor draws closer, your baby will begin to descend lower into your pelvis. Every mom carries her baby a little differently, and some who have carried low will not notice this change as readily as a mom who might have carried high. As your cervix softens, the baby will begin dropping until his head is fully applied to the cervix. One of the labor symptoms to watch for is an increased heaviness or pressure in your pelvis. You may experience the need to urinate more frequently, and bowel movements may be more difficult. Another uncomfortable side effect of the baby dropping is increased swelling in the legs and feet due to added pressure on the blood vessels. The upside to lightening is that it does take pressure off of your diaphragm, allowing easier breathing. You may also get a break from heartburn at this point.

Good luck!! And congrats won't be long now and you will have your little one here!
Mine went away after a couple days, sometimes it comes back. I just try to sleep it away....

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