Thursday, July 29, 2010

What are some tips and advice for me for my high school varsity soccer team tryouts?

suggestions, advice, tips?What are some tips and advice for me for my high school varsity soccer team tryouts?
Ok well it really depends on the position that you want to play. It also depends on what your high school coach is looking for. Well for starters you want to get into the best shape possible. Start running, try to set a slow pace to begin and slowly keeping adding to it. Start with a 5 min. run and just keep adding on to that. My high school coach has a lot of requirements like you have to be able to do a 20 min run, you have to be able to dribble the ball, you have to be able to pass and to make perfect corner kicks from left and right sides of the field. I suggest that you start dribbling the ball as much as you can start by just dribbling it up and down the field, then you can take those small orange cones and take one side of the field and space them out about 3 ft apart and start dribbling around them...that's gonna help you to learn how to control the ball. You can also try working on corner kicks and making goals. Work on your passing which is really important since you have to be on point every time you pass the ball to a teammate. Make sure you think before you pass. Most tryouts have scrimmages, so you're most likely gonna have the chance to play against some other players. You also want to strengthen you leg muscles, that will allow you to kick better and stronger which will let you kick the ball farther. Running will help but you should also find a big flight of stairs and run up and down them daily, that's gonna help a me! And when you're at the tryouts, relaxing is the main thing you have to do, have confidence in yourself and your capabilities. Push yourself and put your heart into the tryouts as if they were an actual game. Make sure you hydrate yourself, and don't pay attention to anyone else but yourself. Well hope I helped. Good Luck and I hope you make itWhat are some tips and advice for me for my high school varsity soccer team tryouts?
It depends on what position you play, but to impress your coach don't be too nervous or too relaxed just think before you pass a ball or shoot and don't try to keep the ball in your possession to impress pass to team-mates and make some shots but not too much, return quickly to defending when your team has lost the ball and keep your head high look around you and not at the ball

good luck
By following the guidelines below a soccer player can put themselves in an advantageous position going into tryouts.

Prior to Tryouts

Keep in shape by running approximately 3 days a week. This will help with your endurance. If you can easily run 2-3 miles by the end you will be in good shape.

Agility and balance are also very important. Good running and stopping as well as change of direction is important. Practice by doing short sprints. Count out 40 yards and 100 yards on a flat surface and put a marker. Run it a few times. Try to get your 40 under 6 seconds and your 100 under 14 seconds.

To practice your shooting make a circle target on the wall with chalk. It should be a couple of feet from the ground and about a foot or so across. Move back approximately 10 yards and practice kicking against the wall aiming inside the circle. Once you have accomplished it from that distance then move back further and continue.

Practice your technique so that you are comfortable with the ball. Practice receiving, trapping and control of the ball and you will find it will pay off.

Every other day do pushups and situps.

Day of Tryouts

Get there early so that you have plenty of time to warm up.

Wear Distinctive Clothing

If you don't have to wear specific clothing, why not wear something distinctive? It is a lot easier when coaches can point to someone with yellow socks and ask an opinion, rather than pointing to a group of girls all wearing white T-shirts and blue shorts.

Play With Vigor and Influence the Game

Most tryouts start with small-sided games, like 2v4 or 4v4 to goals, and work up to 8v8 to goals with goalies. Most decisions are made in the small-sided phase. Often, players are rated 1) definitely, 2) maybe, and 3) certainly not. In the 8v8 stage, the 2's might get the most playing time because a decision must be reached. Don't try to guess whether you made it or note by which team you are on. Play vigorously, don't hold back, and try to win as many balls as possible to have as great an impact on the game.

Communicate in the Games

Players who give instruction and help other players with verbal and visual cues stand out as leaders. Good communication makes players stand out in a positive way to observers. Silent players appear to be out of the game mentally.

Introduce Yourself and Ask Questions

Whenever there is a moment, players should greet the coaches. Players should ask questions to ensure that they understand what's going to happen at both the tryout and during any follow-up tryouts or the team notification process.
I think there's really a handful of things you have to do..

1) Get in shape and I do not mean like a mile a day keeps the bad coach away..I mean sprints..jogs..ladders....etc.. you have to show you are ready for anything

2) Do your job in the position you favor...meaning if you prefer centre-midfield as your area then do the job of a centre midfielder not of a forward or defender

3) Stay aggressive and do not let trash talk bother you...just because it's tryouts does not mean you relax in fact it means you push harder

4) Show what you're good at in the game...meaning if an opportunity for a corner comes up and you great placement take the initiative

5) have fun and be prepared to laugh...but do not let anyone make an idiot of you
Look for the ball all the time be in a position to receive it and know where your team mates are. Remember to tackle back if you lose the ball and only shoot if you are in the best position to do so. Its a team game so involve everyone and support them if they make a mistake. if you can hammer in a 30 yard free kick with your left foot that will also go in your favour. Good luck
the biggest thing is not to worry about it to much cuz if you think your gonna do bad chances are your gona do bad so just relax and do what you do.

make sure that you have good touch on the ball. you know like good first touches to open space and controlled. also make sure you always positioned in the right place. like always give your teammates someone to pass to. and make sure your conditioned really good cuz if your hecka tired by 5 minutes that will look really bad on your part. also another big thing is when the coaches are trying to teach you something look at them in the eye and actually listen they love that cuz it shows your willing to learn. and dont pop any attitude :)
be in good condition, stay relaxed and do your think. remember, it's not like you're gonna try out for barcelona or some major club like that. keep your cool and do what you gotta do with confidence.
be calm, confident, be a team player, show a lot of effort, and show that you can last 90 min. straight

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