best varieties of vegetables to grow in northeast Oklahoma, when to plant, very new to this so any help possibleStarting a new veggie garden in ok,any tips or advice would be helpful?
I remember starting my first garden --- exciting Huh? Now is the time to start. Choose your plot. Be sure it's not close to trees and close to a water source. Beg, borrow or rent a tiller and break up the plot to rid it of grass/weeds. If you have a source of manure try to put about 3'; of it on your tilled area and till it in. This amended soil will rest over winter. If you are real interested you could get a PH test of your soil so you would know what it needs to balance out the nutrients. Next spring or even now you should talk to either a local plant nursery or a local gardener to find out what's best to plant in your area. If you order from seed catalogs make sure the plant is suitable for your area and DO NOT order or plant tons of stuff you wont use and can't give a way. An ounce of most seed is more than plenty. Gardeners love to talk shop so find you one and make a new friend. Good LuckStarting a new veggie garden in ok,any tips or advice would be helpful?
I agree with snoop. I save lrge Tide bottles or fabric softner bottles , poke holes in the bottom and sides, bury them up to the neck, fill with water. It's a great way to get water directly to the roots. I do this for my tomatoes, peppers, anything that grows above ground. You want the roots to grow deep not shallow. If you only water the top. the roots will go up to the water. and you have to keep watering them for them to survive. But deep roots will stay moist and cool longer and produce better Good luck gardening
Plant in spring harvest in fall.
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