Thursday, August 19, 2010

Any help tips or advice on quitting smoking?

i seriously want to give up smoking! i've tried before and failed but this time i want (need) to do it, quite simply i cannot afford it, plus im getting extremely out of breath, i used to have so much energy! im only 25 but feel like an old lady! have smoked 15 odd a day for 9 years! any tips advice would be greatly appreciated... thank you in advance xAny help tips or advice on quitting smoking?
go to amazon or and buy yourself allen carr's easy way to stop smoking -it realy does work (BOOK)Any help tips or advice on quitting smoking?
Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking.鈥?/a>

I tried to give up about 300 times then read this book 2 years ago and haven't had a cig since. It offers a quite different and original approach to giving up smoking.

I know it doesn't work for everyone, as I've recommended this book to a few people who read it then still smoke 20 a day. It did the trick for me though so for a few quid is well worth a go.

You are defo doing the right thing, you will feel physically miles better within a few weeks if you can give up smoking.

Good luck, hope it works.
Read Alan Carr- Stop Smoking. It has helped me so much. once you understand why you smoke - you can stop. buy the book - carry on smoking - he actually tells you to keep smoking. all of the myths surrounding the fags are blown out of the water one by one -ie why do you want a ciggy after a meal, do you smoke more when under stress. ALL of these questions are answered and it will all make sense and help you to stop smoking for good.
I've recently given up after 20 years of smoking. I believe I will succeed this time (6 weeks so far). First of all like you I REALLY wanted to stop, not just thought I should stop (it makes a big difference).

I prepared for it, set a date, got on the NHS scheme %26amp; had patches ready, joined the gym so I'd have something to keep me occupied and so I could notice a difference when my breathing improved and started to cycle to work as I used to drive and smoke in the car. See it as changing your life for the better rather than giving something up.

To inspire you this is what has happened to me in the last 6 weeks:

My breathing is already better and I have more energy

I'm sleeping better

My skin looks about 10 years younger

My eyes are brighter

My hair is shinier

My teeth are whiter

I don't smell

My home and car don't smell

I don't feel like a leper anymore!

Honestly go for it, when have you ever met an ex smoker who says they regret giving up?
Its all about will power!

So what i would do is reduce your smoking by 1 each day and REMEMBER SMOKING IS LIFE THREATNING so just try this and remember it is all about will power so the more you concentrate on something else to do like cleaning something or going out for a small jog each day until you get tired the only reason i answered this is because i have 2 parents that smoke and pressure them to stop.Also if you have anyone around at the time you should tell them your trying to quit so they should not let you smoke. Im only 13 but i want to help people with these kind of problems because when people smoke around me it affects my asthma.

I hope i helped!xx
Try to avoid what makes you want one.Telling yourself when

you finish whatever you'll have a tea or coffee.Knowing it's a

fag you'll have with it.Cutting down to to decide the day you

know you will stop.You have 3 cigs left in the evening you

smoke them and next day stop.A local government help group will be available in your area.You may even know someone who goes.Also a chance to meet new people.You

can get pills and stuff on the NHS off your doctor.Champix is not bad.Like giving up alcohol(AA)or going to diet class.

A no smoking group is the same.Give it a go.Oh if i was 25

Firstly dont be afraid of failing,most people when giving up fail 3 or 4 times.Contact your gp and get help you dont have to go to any group meetings unless you want to, you can get him or her to prescribe the patches which do work.I personally was a 40 a day smoker i used patches and chewing gum and it wasnt easy but i knew after only 3 months that i would never smoke again,dont give up giving up.good luck.
preparation is the key. first find out about local groups (here in the uk there are nhs groups that are great and they can arrange free patches and advice and support)

i gave myself 2 weeks to change my routine, my favourite cigarettes were first thing in the morning and straight after a meal so i cut those out and told myself i would have one at a certain time (in about and hour or so) and kept myself busy and got in the habit of doing other things at the times i usually lit up

i know it is hard to believe but cravings dont last very long, you just need to learn to let them pass.

if possible quit with a friend as its always good to have someone on the end of the phone who understands what you are going through. If none of your friends are ready to quit then join a group and make new friends.

above all if you have a little lapse then that is ok its not the end of the road just be strong and stop again as soon as possible

good luck
If cancer hasnt scared you maybe vanity will...smoking ages the skin on your hands, lips and face. My mom pointed out an old neighborhood rival of hers. This woman was at least 5 years younger then my mom and looked 9 years OLDER probably due to being a smoker and drinker. If thats not and my buddies are all fully aware of this and rule out approaching girls that smoke. Hate to give you tough love but smoking has had its day, I quit with my ex, MY TIP IS THIS....Find somebody who wants to quit too, and set up a reward and support system with them. You quit smoking and gain more insight of a deeper morn meaningful friendship + +!
Really go to town on it this time.Read up on subject , get help,post on here,write down why you're quitting and pin on wall, or better still, all walls, take week off work etc. etc. and say to yourself ';this time it's final. Smoking is going out of my life once and for all, and nothing you (the cravings) will ever make me smoke again !!

Good luck
i have given up for 2 years now, and this is wot i did, wen i had something to eat i always wanted a cig after i replaced it with chocolate, when ur at home watching TV suck on a dummy, and when you wake up in the moring eat a lolly it helps and i know it isn't healthy bu it worked for me ad i have bin a smoker 5 years by then so try if not ring this number o8000852299 its stop smoking service don't give up giving up that's my motto try it and let me now how u got on xxx
Cold turkey. Just make up your mind that you're going to quit and just do it. Once you get past the first few days it gets easier.

My wife and I did it 20 years ago like that and haven't touched one since. My 21 year old son did it the same way last year.

You seem to have the will-power to be able to do it. Talk to your doctor, first of all. He/she can give you the best advice based on your medical history. In the meantime, just stop buying them, or start cutting down.

Good luck!
If you can manage it, get your doctor to prescribe tranquilizers.

You might remember how frazzled your nerves are when you are trying to quit. The trannies will stop that.
cold turkey is the only way...............take a week off work and spend it in bed .............drjnk lots of water and sleep a lot by day 4 you'll be over the worst
just don't buy any more then ask at your doctors for help.
dont give up giving up.
I hope this will help:

You have to tackle all angles...the physical, emotional, and psychological addictions. The BEST way to quit is by pairing some sort of nicotine replacement therapy with some kind of counseling...many hospitals have a smoking cessation group that is either free or very very cheap. The counseling helps you to identify your smoking triggers and help you design your specific plan for quitting.

Nicotine replacement is key. Cold turkey is very difficult and destined for disaster. You can by the nicotine patch, gum, or lozenge over the counter...but read all labels and talk to a dr. to make sure you are healthy enough for the option you choose (for example, you can't use the patch w/ high blood pressure). The physical addiction to nicotine can be broken within 48-72 hours...this is going to be your toughest time...if you replace the nicotine and ween yourself down by dosage, then you'll be more successful and hopefully not have any cravings in the process. There are Rx options (chantix, zyban, etc...), which your doctor will most likely gladly prescribe.

identify WHEN you smoke. do you smoke in the car? try cleaning your car out (vacuum, air fresheners, etc) and taking a different route to/from your destination. get rid of all of your smoking related stuff...ashtrays, lighters..everything. Think of other things you can do to cope with the 'habit' part of smoking. chew on a straw, try chewing gum... If you like to smoke when you drink coffee, try switching your a.m. drink to a cold beverage until you overcome smoking. Habit is the psychological addiction. you have conditioned yourself into craving a cigarette at certain times of the day or while you are doing certain things...create a plan for yourself and stick to it. reward yourself, as well...recognize that you are doing a good job.

the emotional part is a support. if you have friends that are smokers, see if they'll quit, too. if you have a partner that smokes, same thing. if they are smokers and won't quit, let them know about your decision and your plan and try to get them to help you...make the partner go outside to smoke so you won't be tempted.

Just remember not to smoke while using nicotine replacement. Nicotine overdose is real and serious. It's not necessarily 'fatal', but can cause very unpleasant side effects (dizziness, nausea, risky spikes in blood pressure, etc) and even a heart attack or stroke.

Also important to remember is that it is typical for someone to try to quit 5 to 7 times before they are successful. you have tried in the past...learn from it. what did you do right...? what can you improve upon?

good luck and i hope you are successful! don't give up!

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