Thursday, August 19, 2010

Haven't been to a festival before but want to go to V festival this year with friends. Tips and Advice?

I'm a noob when it comes to festivals as I haven't been to one before. Can anyone tell me the ins and outs of V festival and camping and safety? Also what to make sure I need?Haven't been to a festival before but want to go to V festival this year with friends. Tips and Advice?
ok, first things first, when camping be sure to pitch AWAY from the toilets, take tissues and hand sanitizer and keep all money and cards on you, security is about but they cant tell if someone is in YOUR tent from the thousands that are there.

take water proofs and boots, trainers don't cut it unless its a really dry year or you don't mind wet feet all weekend.

don't forget your toothbrush and take some bottled water to wash with or be smelly as well.

pack as few things as you can, you will likely be a long way from parking to camping and even a light bag gets heavy after 30 a minute walk.

don't take your most expensive camera, most take a mobile phone for pictures or a disposable camera.

any girls in your group should think about getting a she-wee from a camping shop or online.Haven't been to a festival before but want to go to V festival this year with friends. Tips and Advice?
A group tent isn't a bad idea but id much prefer single tents for eachperson. take a few bottles of water with you and alcohol if you want it. Wet wipes are a good idea. washing isn't important at festivals.

Foodwise go to a stall or a local supermarket, or take food with you and some way of cooking it. a few of my friends had a camping stove and a pan in which they boiled water for pot noodles and cooked beans.

Im taking MRE's with me to the festivals this year. Theyre self heating ration packs. Id take a blow up pillow with you. a fork is handy as is money.
Dont forget your wellie boots
Have Fun ..... no matter what happens ...Enjoy it ...

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